The 17 Rooms

If a connection exists between a room and its neighbour, it will be one of:
  • an open door;
  • a closed door (requires the Open Doors spell to open it);
  • a high window (easily got through if you are carrying a ladder).
You can mouse over a connection to see which it is.
The Entrance Always situated in the North West corner. Jewels must be dropped here to score - they go into the box. Mouse over the box to open it and see your score. Also a Triple Score spell will only work here.
The Map Room Click on the Map or the Hand button for an interactive version which enables you to study each room one at a time.
The Dark Cave You need a lamp to see in the dark.
The Thieves' Den Unless you are carrying a cloak of invisibilty, the thieves will slowly empty your bag.
The Genie's Lair Give a lamp to the Genie to be granted 3 wishes. But don't get greedy, he only delivers once per expedition.
The Wizard's Cavern You can pick up any object here but note that the doors slam closed when you arrive. You will need an Open Doors spell or a Return to Entrance spell to keep playing.
The Treasure Trove Always full of jewels but note that the doors slam closed when you arrive. You will need an Open Doors spell or a Return to Entrance spell to keep playing.
The Casino Drop a token to play. Matching jewels score as follows:
  • 2 the same -> 1 jewel
  • 3 the same -> 3 jewels
  • 4 the same -> 4 jewels (very rare)
The Teleporter Drop a fuel can to start the machine. Just click anywhere or press the spacebar when you want to get off. This is one of the two ways to get to The Secret Room.
The Dungeon On arrival, all the connections become High Windows - you had better be carrying a ladder.
The Laser Room You won't last long unless you are carrying a shield.
The Jungle You will need to be carrying a knife to hack your way through the undergrowth.
The Gas Chamber Make sure you are carrying a gasmask if you want to survive.
The Pool Here you will need a snorkel to make your way through the water.
The Ice Rink Skates will make navigation a lot easier.
The Hidden Trapdoor It's not always in the same place but you can see where it is with a special pair of green goggles. On the other hand it does offer the possibility of ending up in the Secret Room. Do you feel lucky?
The Secret Room Ahhh ... this is the place to be - it's always full of spells. One each of: the Add 1 Wish spell, the Triple Score spell, the Restore Health spell and the Open Doors spell,.