Cyber Traveller
In 2013 I embarked on an ambitious project - a video to convey my journey and passion for computing. The end result runs for over an hour and was intended just for family and friends but now that I've learnt how to deliver videos on my web site without using YouTube, I thought I'd share my saga with the world.

Cyber Traveller 2
I realised that since 2013 I've embarked on several other major projects so I thought some new videos were called for. So here they are!

Cyber Traveller 3
In 2021 my daughter asked whether I could spend time with this bright 9 year old in her class. This was quite a challenge as she is 1,400km away! But I managed to come up with a way of making it happen. This video is an attempt to share some of the ideas I came up with. Since that first student, I have spent time with about 25 students.

For most of my projects I published a progress journal. I've managed to find the one I created for the One Laptop Per Child project. It's fascinating to see the progression from a chance sighting of a picture in a newspaper to the creation of 35 apps for underprivileged children all over the world. Total downloads is now nearly half a million!

early days
mulawa.net as it was in 1998 and 2003