The original "Xiama" was a labour of love taking almost a year and an estimated 2,000 cups of coffee to produce. I had to learn a lot of new skills in order to produce it. This was in 2000.
I completely rewrote it in 2007.
Puzzle your way through an Australian rainforest.

"Magnetic" is a beautiful tropical island and was to be the setting for my next game creation outing.
This was a much more ambitious project. Very special was the fact that I worked with a Graphics Artist this time. But it too needed a rewrite - this happened in 2010.
This was a much more ambitious project. Very special was the fact that I worked with a Graphics Artist this time. But it too needed a rewrite - this happened in 2010.

I really thought that the Ideas Bucket was now empty but late in 2007 inspiration reappeared. "Magicama" builds on the ideas developed in "Xiama" and "Magnetic" (hence the name).
But this time I set myself the challenge of creating a game without any text whatsoever.
But this time I set myself the challenge of creating a game without any text whatsoever.

I had many requests to create a game that focussed on word puzzles. "Cooroora" was the result. "Cooroora" is the name of the mountain next to our home in Pomona.
This game lets you explore this great part of Australia as well as testing your word skills.
This game lets you explore this great part of Australia as well as testing your word skills.

Designed to introduce novices to the mouse and interaction with a Windows computer. Successfully used with youngsters, disabled folk and seniors. Came about as a result of my volunteer work at a nearby Aged Care facility.

Following on from Mulawa Dreaming Easy but consisting of activities that anyone might enjoy engaging in - well worth a look!

Thirty activities designed for the One Laptop Per Child Project - now available for Windows users.

2015 was taken up with creating iPad apps with a Speech Therapist. They are now available for Mac users including one never before published.

My first iPad app now available for Mac users.