1 Jul 2024
Bridge Tutorial
This interactive tutorial introduces the card game, Contract Bridge. It is designed to introduce the game in very small steps, hence the title "Bridge made easy".
8 May 2024:
Mahjong Tutorial
Introducing the Chinese game of Mahjong in easy stages. This is my first attempt at an interactive tutorial.
15 Apr 2024 : Tutorial 22
I created this tute as I created the game. It is aimed at revising much of the previous 21 tutes. It also explains a few things that I've glossed over before.
15 Apr 2024:
Golf Solitaire
Another ChatGPT suggestion. I hadn't encountered this version of Solitaire before. I found it good fun but hard to get right out.
31 Mar 2024: Gomoku
I asked ChatGPT to suggest a game for me to create. This is the result. I'm particularly pleased with how it turned out.
4 Mar 2024:
Peters Jigsaws AI
In 2024 I started experimenting with using Artificial Intelligence to create unusual jigsaw pictures. This is the result: a standalone program for Mac & Windows users.
29 Jan 2024:
Atari Go
A simplified version of the game of Go aimed at introducing beginners to the full game.
22 Dec 2023:
SimCom Tutorial
I've revisited and rebuilt my model computer. Better still, I've created an Assembler to make it easier to program. All this is spelt out in a brand new tute. Enjoy!
4 Dec 2023: Pipes
Another little activity from my distant Game Creation past. I mainly did this web version for the exercise as I've run out of serious projects!
1 Dec 2023 : Tutorial 21
Yet another addition to my Web Game Creation tutorials arising out of my last project.
15 Nov 2023: Rectangles
A simple idea but it can be quite tricky. You have to 'colour in' the squares to make rectangles matching the numbers. You can click on the title for an answer if you get stuck.
12 Sep 2023:
Fishes Tessellation Jigsaw
Just had to make another one of these and this one is so different to the others!
7 Sep 2023 : Tutorial 20
Once again I learnt so much from my last project that I decided to make yet another tutorial. Here I use HTML canvas to create a totally responsive layout. I also get drag & drop to work on a touch screen device.
23 Aug 2023:
Tessellation Jigsaws
Feeling left out cos you don't have a Mac and therefore couldn't try my tessellation jigsaws? No longer! I've re-created them all to play online. Enjoy!
4 Aug 2023 : Tutorial 19
I learnt so much creating the 12 Balls Puzzle that I decided to share via a new tutorial in my Web Game Creation series.
25 Jul 2023:
the 12 Balls Puzzle
12 balls. One heavier or lighter. Three weighings to identify which and whether heavy or light. A great puzzle. And it's been great fun producing a simulation that you can test your ideas on.
13 Jul 2023:
Cyber Traveller 3
In 2021 my daughter asked whether I could spend time with this bright 9 year old in her class. This was quite a challenge as she is 1,400km away! But I managed to come up with a way of making it happen. This video is an attempt to share some of the ideas I came up with. Since that first student, I have spent time with about 25 students.
1 Jul 2023: Tess
Created a long time ago but I've just realised this is not available on the web. Just a download for Mac users. Four beautiful tessellation jigsaws.
27 Jun 2023: Mancala
Once again there are many versions of this African game on the Internet but it presented enough challenges for me to have a go at creating my own version.
4 Jun 2023: Senet
And now for something completely different - a board game from 3,500BC!
20 Mar 2023:
Subscription Jigsaws
Added 13 new jigsaws to the Subscription Jigsaws Collection.
In keeping with all the buzz about AI, ALL the pictures have been created by DALL-E.
13 Dec 2022:
the Mandelbrot Jigsaw
Combining my love of the Mandelbrot Set and Jigsaws. Note that the title is clickable.
12 Oct 2022:
the School Menu
I have gathered all my work for use in the Classroom into a single menu.
13 Sep 2022: pbg
Peter's Brain Games
Yet another way of looking at my brain games. These are designed for each student to run on their tablet. I've even created a separate website which gives a different game each day: pbg.mulawa.net
30 Jul 2022:
WGC on Chromebook
For a long time I've wanted to try my 'Web Game Creation' tutes on a Chromebook. And now ... Mission Accomplished!
16 Jul 2022:
the Mulawa Olympics
Following the success of the Class Games we decided to go a step further and come up with a different approach - one that is designed for groups rather than individuals. So far there are 35 different activities with an emphasis on team work. We've also tried to come up with a richness which allows a range of abilities to shine.
2 Jul 2022: Search
I've grown tired of not being able to find stuff on my own website so I've built my own Search facility. Try it with an empty search box to see all of my web site!
10 Jun 2022:
Class Games
My daughter is a Primary School teacher and together we came up with the idea of adapting some of my Brain Games as activities for a whole class via a display at the front of the room.
3 May 2022 Othello
There are lots of good versions already on the Internet but I was keen to try my hand at creating a reasonable computer opponent.
6 Mar 2022 : Wordle 4
I've found that many Wordle players find it hard to some up with 5 letter words so I wondered if 4 letters might be easier. The answer is 'yes' but it is surprisingly harder to play - see what you think.
5 Mar 2022 : Tangram
Tangram is a 1000-year-old Chinese puzzle. I have included 28 traditional shapes for you to make. You may also like to challenge yourself by creating all the letters of the alphabet and the ten numerals. The pieces should not overlap. If you come up with an interesting shape of your own, send it to me and I may add it to my 28. Click on the title to clear my pattern.
1 Feb 2022 : Wordle
Inspired by Josh Wardle's creation, I was keen to create my own version. There are 746 common words to work through so that should keep you busy for a while!
16 Jan 2022 : Tutorial 18
I thought I'd finished with my Web Game Creation Tutorials but then I suddenly thought of an idea for one last tute and here it is!
9 Nov 2021 : Boxes
It's easy to dismiss this simple game as too basic but, in fact, there is a sacrificial strategy that can turn the game around.
14 Sep 2021:
Website Tidy
I struggle to find stuff on my own website these days so I decided a little re-organisation was in order.
There's also a new little jigsaw there for you.
15 Aug 2021:
Oz Jigsaw
It won't seem like much but I've reworked this little app so that it is now perfect (I hope) both on the desktop or on a mobile device. I've learnt much in the process!
14 Jul 2021:
Spirolaterals 2
I've extended the Spirolaterals game to use not only right angles.
18 Jun 2021 : the Turtle
This activity is part of one of my iPad offerings which is no longer available so I decided to make a web version.
26 Mar 2021:
Online Jigsaws
Added 11 pictures.

Thanks to Joan for her great Safari photos.
10 Feb 2021 :
My Sudoku Tutes on YouTube
When I first encountered Sudoku, it didn't appeal to me at all. It seemed like a lot of trial and error was necessary to arrive at a solution so you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that this didn't have to be the case and that there were many strategies available to take away all of the guesswork. This tutorial series is my attempt to share that knowledge.
19 Jan 2021 : Sudoku
My daughter and I have spent many hours enhancing my version of this activity.
4 Dec 2020:
Cellular Automata
Even after all my years of computing, I can still find something new to intrigue and fascinate me often leading to something new (in my world at least!).
18 Nov 2020 : Nim 3D
Another old game but even easier to learn. Since you pick who makes the first move, you can always win but discovering a winning strategy is challenging.
4 Nov 2020:
Web Game Creation Tutorials
Make your first web game - no previous knowledge of html or JavaScript required.
30 Oct 2020 : Fitchneal
This is a very old board game probably of Viking origin. It is easy to learn but surprisingly challenging to play well. Enjoy!
9 Oct 2020 : Panorama
I like to think I've created something original here - a moving jigsaw based on 360° panoramas.
20 Jul 2020:
More Turtle Play
I'm continuing to enjoy developing my Web Game Creation tutorials. This is a sneak peek at what I'm aiming for in Tutorial Number 14.
18 Jun 2020 : Trails
A sort of numerical version of Scrabble. Takes a bit of strategy to achieve the target.
18 Nov 2019:
Words 5 letters
The extra letter makes this quite challenging at times.
18 Nov 2019:
Words 4 letters
I found this iPad game quite addictive so I decided to create my own.
You can click on the title for the answer.
10 Oct 2019 : FreeCell
One of the oldest and most popular solitaire games - I just had to make one too!
23 Sep 2019 :
Spider Solitaire
Also not original but I've enjoyed the challenge of creating an easy version as well as a completely random deal. But I have added one feature: you can peek at the hidden cards - this means you can choose wisely when a choice exists.
9 Sep 2019 :
Poker Solitaire
This is not an original game but I've added a couple of twists that I hope make it more interesting.
4 Sep 2019 : Bits
A very friendly and fun introduction to how computers do their stuff.
21 Aug 2019 :
Four Fours Puzzle
At last I've got round to adding to Peter's Brain Games 2.
12 Jul 2019 : Acrostics
Added #80.
7 May 2019 :
The Rainbow Adventure
with sound
Sound is not easy to implement for web game designers - that is why my first take had no sound. But after much blood, sweat and tears, I have managed it this time. This means I can seriously consider creating a web version of my very first game.
3 May 2019 :
Hands Free Jigsaws
These will only work on the Chrome browser (but not on an iPad). As you can imagine, it was quite a challenge to come up with a satisfactory way of solving a jigsaw with voice alone. I'm very excited by the end result. Maybe you will be too!
24 Apr 2019 :
The Rainbow Adventure
I've often toyed with the idea of creating web versions of my earlier adventure games. So I tried the idea out on something small to start with.
This is it - it is a great activity for little people.
10 Apr 2019 :
Online Jigsaw Puzzles
It's been a solid three weeks but a labour of love. I have finally fulfilled a long held ambition to produce an online version of my very popular Jigsaw Program.
23 Mar 2019 :
Movie Soundtracks Quiz
Just can't get enough of these quiz ideas but this was much harder to find suitable material!
20 Mar 2019 :
Movie Iconic Lines Quiz
I had lots of fun creating this activity - check it out!
28 Feb 2019 : Oscars Quiz
Now updated to include the Oscars from 2017, 2018 and 2019
4 Feb 2019 Cyber Traveller 2
I realised that since 2013 I've embarked on several other major projects so I thought some new videos were called for. This is the first of them.
31 Jan 2019 : Cyber Traveller
In 2013 I embarked on an ambitious project - a video to convey my journey and passion for computing. The end result runs for over an hour and was intended just for family and friends but now that I've learnt how to deliver videos on my web site without using YouTube, I thought I'd share my saga with the world.
16 Jan 2019 : Bryce Tutorials
I've updated these so that they work for either Bryce 5 or 7.
12 Jan 2019 : Magic Videos
Four new videos added to my collection necessitating a new sub menu - enjoy!
2 Dec 2018 : Hexominoes
Martin Gardner's Pentominoes have been so popular that I decided to add a 6 tile version!
18 Oct 2018 : Special Menu
All the items in this menu have now been rebuilt - I even found a problem (and fixed it!) in the Oz Jigsaw!
P.S. When I checked what's next, it seems I've finished all 117 pages!
17 Oct 2018 : Site Map
Needed a break from all this re-working stuff so spent yesterday fulfilling a long held ambition to build a Site Map for Mulawa Dreaming. It's accessed by clicking on the 'Mulawa Dreaming' image on my home page.
16 Oct 2018 : Puzzles Menu
All re-worked (except Acrostics). Enjoy!
13 Oct 2018 : Chess
This is the last of the Activities Menu. Displays best in portrait mode on a phone and landscape mode elsewhere. Was pleasantly surprised at how well this app works!
29 Sep 2018 : Martin Gardner
Another section re-worked and ready to hit phones & tablets all over the world!
27 Sep 2018 : Online Games
All now re-worked also. Some turned out better than others on a phone but all are playable.
25 Sep 2018 : Peter's Brain Games
All the Brain Games have now been re-worked. Quite a big undertaking - I'm pleased to have finished this marathon!
13 Sep 2018 : Website move complete.!
It's been a rugged two days but I've just fixed the "second last problem". Please let me know when you find the one I've missed!
28 Aug 2018 : Tutorials Menu
The Tutorials Section, too, is now complete. Also I've ordered an iPhone so I can really check how well I'm achieving my aim.
19 Aug 2018 : Magic Menu
My Magic Section is now completely re-worked. This entry replaces all the prevous Magic entries on this page.
11 Aug 2018 : Peter's Brain Games 2
A new section for sharing some of my best ideas for taking you on a mathematical journey that I promise you will enjoy!
6 Aug 2018 : Mulawa Dreaming
As I write at least 60% of people are browsing on a mobile device so I've decided to work on my website to make it appear at its best on as many devices as possible. I've started with my home page.
29 Jul 2018 : Turtle Play
The Logo turtle was invented in 1967. I still love it and I've decided to re-visit it using modern web technology. A great trip down memory lane and a great workout on the new web stuff!
4 Jul 2018 : Alpha 25
This game was inspired by the iPad app, LetterPress.
My main reason for copying it was the challenge of creating a satisfactory computer opponent.
24 Jun 2018 : Word Sleuth
Not sure where I got the idea for this one, but it sure tests 'the little grey cells'!
There is a mystery 6 letter word and 6 clues to help you find it.
There are over 2,600 words awaiting you!
14 May 2018 : Colour Yahtzee
Based on the popular game of Yahtzee but it uses colours instead of numbers or letters.
I'm trying something new here - the info button produces helpful instructions which change as the game progresses.
9 May 2018 : Countries
How well do you know your countries?
45 chances to find out!
28 Apr 2018 : Alpha 12
Very proud of this one. As far as I know it's completely original.
It is inspired by Scrabble but I find it more challenging and, of course, it has the advantage of being 'single player'.
21 Apr 2018 : Word Puzzles
I've decided to create web versions of some of my favourite word puzzles - enjoy!
15 Jan 2018 : Scratch Adventures
Late in 2017 I started to take a serious interest in Scratch.
Initially I had considered it mainly for young people but I gradually realised that it was surprisingly powerful.
19 Nov 2017 : Chess
I was keen to create a web chessboard for just myself and a friend.
It worked out so well that I decided to develop it into a public offering.
Not as fancy as the others but very simple in its presentation.
24 Jul 2017 : Oz Movies
There are 53 Australian movies in my database.
This quiz randomly selects 10 images for you to identify.
17 May 2017 : Martin Gardner
His Mathematical column in the Scientific American back in the 60's brought me hours of pleasure - here I revisit some of my favourites.
Looking Back Over the Years
I hope to keep adding to this part of the website. It would be great to have some record of past milestones.